nke China Europe style maka China Home ịchọ mma Polyresin arịlịka Figurine ihe ncheta ihe ndozi maka njem onyinye ụlọ ọrụ na ndị na-ebubata ya |ORION

Ụdị Europe maka ụlọ China Ihe eji achọ mma Polyresin Anchor Figurine Ihe ncheta ihe ndozi maka onyinye njem.

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

  • Teknụzụ:Mgbado ọkụ / ese / mkpuchi ntụ ntụ
  • Usoro ịkwụ ụgwọ:T/T;CAD, LC
  • Ụgwọ:30% nkwụnye ego, 70% megide nnomi B/L.
  • Usoro ahia:FOB Xiamen/EXW Quanzhou
  • Etiti oge:15-35 ụbọchị na nkwenye nke nkwụnye ego
  • OEM&ODM:Nnọọ
  • Obere iwu:200pc
  • aha:Akara Okwu ngọngọ Smile Tabletop
  • Ihe:osisi na ígwè
  • Agba:Nwa
  • Nha:2 x 12 x 4.5 sentimita asatọ
  • Otu nnukwu ibu:7.6 ounce
  • Ngwa:Ihe ndozi ụlọ
  • Nọmba nlereanya:MTD2009190001
  • Ọnụ ego (FOB Xiamen ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri):$2.00 - $10.00 / Mpekere
  • Nkọwa ngwaahịa

    Mkpado ngwaahịa

    Our enhancement depends around the sophisticated devices ,exceptional talents and repeatedly stronged technology forces for Europe style for China Home Decorative Polyresin Anchor Figurine Souvenir Decoration for Travel Gift, We often welcome new and previous customers offers us with worthwhile information and proposals for Cooperation, let's grow ma kee ọnụ, nakwa ka o duga ndị otu na ndị ọrụ anyị!
    Nkwalite anyị dabere na ngwaọrụ ndị ọkaibe, talent pụrụ iche na ike teknụzụ siri ike ugboro ugboro makaIhe ncheta China na ihe ndozi ụlọ, Ugbu a, na mmepe nke ịntanetị, na omume nke internationalization, anyị na-na na nwetara kpebiri ịgbatị azụmahịa na esenidụt ahịa.Site n'atụmatụ iweta ndị ahịa mba ofesi uru karịa site n'inye ndị mba ọzọ ozugbo.Ya mere, anyị agbanweela uche anyị, site n'ụlọ ruo ná mba ọzọ, na-atụ anya inye ndị ahịa anyị uru karị, na-atụ anya ohere ọzọ ịme azụmahịa.

    • A tụrụ 5. 25" elu site na 11. 75" n'obosara site na 2" miri emi
    • Ejiri osisi na ihe igwe mee ya
    • Ebipụrụ okwu "Ọchị" site na mkpụrụedemede ọla ojii
    • Nnwere onwe
    • Ejidebere ya n'ụzọ zuru oke n'elu ebe ngọngọ osisi sitere n'okike


    Nkọwa ngwaahịa

    Akara Okwu ngọngọ "Ọchị" tebụl.Ihe nrịbama Smile Word Block na-akwụghị ụgwọ bụ ụda tebụl nwere ọtụtụ, zuru oke maka ihe ndozi ụlọ.A na-ebipụ okwu ahụ "Ọchị" site na mkpụrụedemede ọla edo ojii, ma jidesie ike n'elu ebe mgbochi osisi sitere n'okike.Ọ tụrụ 5.25" elu site na 11.75" n'obosara site na 2" miri emi.

  • Nke gara aga:
  • Osote:

  • Dee ozi gị ebe a ziga anyị ya