nke China Quoted price maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse factory na suppliers |ORION

Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse

Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse Featured Image
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse
  • Ọnụ ego ekwuru maka China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Ihe: Ígwè
Aha: ihe ịchọ mma
Agba: ochie
Nkwakọ ngwaahịa: 8pcs / igbe dị n'ime, 96pcs/CTN
Ọrụ: ịchọ mma ubi
Nnyefe: 45-90days
Ịkwụ ụgwọ: nkwụnye ego 30%, 70% megide nnomi B/L.

  • Nọmba nlereanya:GGD208310034
  • Ọnụ ego (FOB Xiamen ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri):$2.03 - $2.27 / Mpekere
  • Nkọwa ngwaahịa

    Mkpado ngwaahịa

    Just about every member from our large efficiency revenue crew values ​​customers' want and enterprise communication for Quoted price for China Resin Creative Trailer Beach House Garden Birdhouse, Our hugely specialized process eliminates the component failure and offers our customers unvarying high quality, allowing us to control ọnụ ahịa, ikike atụmatụ ma nọgide na-agbanwe agbanwe na nnyefe oge.
    Naanị ihe dị ka onye ọ bụla so na ndị ọrụ anyị na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma na-eji ihe ndị ahịa chọrọ yana nkwukọrịta ụlọ ọrụ akpọrọ iheChina Trailer Birdhouse na Bird Nest ọnụahịa, Anyị nwere ihe karịrị 10 afọ ahụmahụ nke mmepụta na mbupụ azụmahịa.Anyị na-emepụta mgbe niile ma chepụta ụdị ngwaahịa ọhụrụ na ihe ngwọta iji gboo mkpa ahịa ma nyere ndị ọbịa aka mgbe niile site na imelite ngwọta anyị.Anyị bụ ndị nrụpụta pụrụ iche na ndị mbupụ na China.Ebe ọ bụla ị nọ, biko sonyere anyị, anyị ga-akpụzi ọdịnihu dị mma na mpaghara azụmahịa gị!


    Ngwongwo ụlọ ọrụ ọla ọla maka ọrịre stakes ite ifuru ịchọ mma.


    Nkọwa ngwaahịa
    Nha 5.5x5.5x26cm, enwere ike ịhazi ya
    Ihe onwunwe Ígwè
    Ụzọ mbukota Afụ, igbe agba aja aja, dịka arịrịọ onye ahịa si.
    Ọrụ Kwesịrị ekwesị maka ịchọ mma ubi, onyinye nkwalite.
    Nnwale nchekwa Ihe niile na agba nwere ike gafere REACH, EN 71-3 na-enweghị egbu egbu
    Nkà na ụzụ Mgbado ọkụ / ese / mkpuchi ntụ ntụ
    Ụdị Nkà ndị mmadụ, ezi uche, ochie
    OEM&ODM ọrụ ndewo
    MOQ 500pcs. Dị ka arịrịọ ndị ahịa si kwuo, enwere ike ịmekọrịta.
    Nkọwa nkọwa
    Oge nlele 5 ụbọchị maka sample dị adị;10-15 ụbọchị maka ọhụrụ imewe.
    Ụgwọ nlele Otu ewepụtara n'efu ma ọ bụrụ na anyị nwere sample
    Ihe atụ ibu ibu Kwado site n'aka ndị ahịa
    Oge Mbuga ozi Ụbọchị 45-90, enwere ike ikwurịta usoro ngwa ngwa
    Oge ịkwụ ụgwọ 30% dị ka nkwụnye ego, 70% ọzọ oyiri B / L ma ọ bụ L / C na anya

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